Saturday, October 19, 2013

Website Moved

This Website Has Moved To

New Blog, Same Old Me

Hey all,

So just wanted to let you know that I moved my blog to a different website. I changed the name and converted it to solely just a book blog. I know, sad right? :-(  No more music, movies, and television. But, the good news is I have can efficiently blog better which means more posts. I found out that it's really hard to book blog. Let alone juggling music, movies, television, and books. Yeah, so I decided to revamp my blog and change the name. I like it much better than Beessquared and find it easier to handle. Not to say that I didn't like Beessquared, no I like it a lot. As a matter of fact, I wouldn't have been able to start this new blog without this one because I learned how to blog because of Beessquared. Well, I hope you guys like my new-ish blog. Here's the name and link:

Brianna's Book Buzz

For the last time (kind of),

Monday, September 16, 2013

Song of the Week: Paradise

Featuring a new song every week, Song of the Week, is a fun and interactive way to share the music we love, hosted here.

September 16, 2013
Song of the Week: Paradise
Artist: Coldplay
Album: Mylo Xyloto

I'm not a huge Coldplay fan so when my dad showed me this song I was like yeah, yeah, yeah who cares. But, then I actually listened to it and I ended up liking it a lot. It's a really good song. Maybe now I'll check out more of their music.

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Sunday, September 8, 2013

Song of the Week: See You Again

Featuring a new song every week, Song of the Week, is a fun and interactive way to share the music we love, hosted here.

September 9, 2013
Song of the Week: See You Again
Artist: Carrie Underwood
Album: Blown Away 
 I love, love, love this song. Carrie Underwood is one of my favorite artists. I love her music and "See You Again" is no exception. What do you think? 

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Friday, September 6, 2013

Awaken by Meg Cabot: Book Review

Author: Meg Cabot
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Series: Abandon trilogy #3
Genre: Young Adult, Fantasy, Romance, Supernatural
Publisher: Point; July 2, 2013
Pages: 343
Read Count: 1  

Synopsis provided by Goodreads: 

From #1 New York Times bestselling author Meg Cabot, the dark reimagining of the Persephone myth comes to a thrilling conclusion.

Death has her in his clutches. She doesn’t want him to let go.

Seventeen-year-old Pierce Oliviera knew by accepting the love of John Hayden, she’d be forced to live forever in the one place she’s always dreaded most: the Underworld. The sacrifice seemed worth it, though, because it meant she could be with the boy she loves.

But now her happiness — and safety — are threatened, all because the Furies have discovered that John has broken one of their strictest rules: He revived a human soul.

If the balance between life and death isn’t fixed, both the Underworld and Pierce’s home back on earth will be wiped away. But there’s only one way to restore order. Someone has to die.

September 6, 2013
You know what I hate? When a series you like gets to the final book and you've read it and you suddenly realize that it's the LAST one. Then your all like, no! I need more, it just CAN'T end. Then, you realize again that there's nothing you can do about it, it's over. Bye-bye. Good night. The end.

This is how I feel now that I've read Awaken. Granted, I think this should be a good thing because if you don't feel this way about a series then that means you don't like it. But it still hurts. Now on to the book!

Awaken had all the elements of its predecessors, Abandon and Underworld. There was humor, sarcasm, fighting, romance, and all the mythology of the Underworld. To say the least, it was great. I love Pierce as the main character. She's very smart, fierce, and funny. Some of the scenes made me laugh out loud. Of course, I also enjoyed reading about all the other characters that make the Abandon series so great. I think my favorite is Mr. Smith. I also like Henry and Mr. Lui. Wait, now I can't leave out Kayla, Frank, and Alex. Oh, and obviously John. The plot was well done and the ending was cute. 

If you enjoyed the first two books, then this is the book for you.

P.S. That cover is AMAZING. I think it's one of my favorite covers of all time. The purple and her dress is really pretty. I have no words I like it so much.

What are your thoughts? Did you like Awaken? What do you think of that cover? I mean, seriously that cover. :)
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Monday, September 2, 2013

Song of the Week: Good Morning Beautiful

Featuring a new song every week, Song of the Week, is a fun and interactive way to share the music we love, hosted here.
September 2, 2013
Song of the Week: Good Morning Beautiful
Artist: Steve Holy
Album: Blue Moon
I really love this song. I heard it on the radio the other day so I instantly thought it should be Song of the Week. It has sweet lyrics and a great melody. What do you think?
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Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Song of the Week: Love Story

Featuring a new song every week, Song of the Week, is a fun and interactive way to share the music we love, hosted here.
August 26, 2013
Song of the Week: Love Story
Artist: Taylor Swift
Album: Fearless

I have always loved this song. It's so great and cute. Plus, the music video is awesome and not to mention one of Taylor's best ones. What do you think of "Love Story" and its music video?

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