Friday, June 28, 2013

Clockwork Angel (Manga) by Cassandra Clare & HyeKyung Baek: Book Review

Clockwork Angel
Author: Cassandra Clare and HyeKyung Baek (Illustrator)
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Series: The Infernal Devices: Manga #1
Genre: Manga, Graphic Novel, Young Adult, Fantasy, Paranormal, Supernatural, Romance
Publisher: Yen Press; October 30, 2012
Pages: 240
Read Count: 1

Synopsis provided by Goodreads: 

A manga-adaption to the prequel of Cassandra Clare's Mortal Instruments series, The Infernal Devices is the story of Tessa Gray, a sixteen-year-old American girl traveling alone to Victorian London who runs afoul of the city's sordid supernatural underworld. Rescued by the Shadowhunters of the London Institute, Tessa quickly finds herself caught up in an intrigue that may very well destroy her new friends - including the two enigmatic young men, Jem and Will, who have taken her under their wing...

June 28, 2013
**This is a spoiler free review**
My initial reaction to learning that there was a manga adaption to the first book in The Infernal Devices series was:


I mean, one of my favorite series coming to life through manga? C’mon, it’s so cool. Anyway, enough of that. How was Clockwork Angel manga style, you ask? Well, it was great! I loved it. The characters were done really well and the dialogue and whole plot of the book was adapted pretty dang good. The illustrator did a beautiful Tessa. And Will. And Jem. And Sophie, Charlotte, Jessamine, and all the other characters. Well, besides Henry. I mean I know he’s a little dorky and stuff but the illustrator could have given him a better face or a more realistic face instead of the more cartoonish face. Magnus looked fine except two things. Where are his cat eyes? and What the heck with the long hair? I was laughing so hard at that. I know it was back then but I have the picture of Magnus in The Mortal Instruments with short, spiky hair. Of course, some things (dialogue) needed to be cut out but most of it was in it. Bottom line: Clockwork Angel in manga was well done and more importantly really fun to read.

Your Turn: What’s your take on Clockwork Angel? What did you think about how the characters looked? Who do you think was done the best in your opinion? I can’t wait to hear from you!!

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Thursday, June 27, 2013

The Immortal Rules by Julie Kagawa: Book Review

The Immortal Rules 
Author: Julie Kagawa
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Series: Blood of Eden #1
Genre: Young Adult, Paranormal, Fantasy, Supernatural, Sci-fi/Dystopia, Romance
Publisher: Harlequin Teen; April 24, 2012
Pages: 485
Read Count: 1

Synopsis provided by Goodreads:

To survive in a ruined world, she must embrace the darkness…

Allison Sekemoto survives in the Fringe, the outermost circle of a walled-in city. By day, she and her crew scavenge for food. By night, any one of them could be eaten. Some days, all that drives Allie is her hatred of them—the vampires who keep humans as blood cattle. Until the night Allie herself dies and becomes one of the monsters.

Forced to flee her city, Allie must pass for human as she joins a ragged group of pilgrims seeking a legend—a place that might have a cure for the disease that killed off most of civilization and created the rabids, the bloodthirsty creatures who threaten human and vampire alike. And soon Allie will have to decide what and who is worth dying for…again.

Enter Julie Kagawa's dark and twisted world as an unforgettable journey begins.

June 27, 2013
**This is a spoiler free review**
5 Gold, Bloody Stars!! The Immortal Rules was a great read. The whole book was fast paced and was not boring. At all. I really am impressed with Julie Kagawa’s storytelling. She made her characters very likable and real. I rooted for Allie from the first page as her time as a human and in her transition to vampire. I liked her snark, her compassion, her logic, her emotion, and essentially her realness.

The other characters were also very likable, particularly Kanin and Zeke. Well, Zeke was more likable than Kanin but that’s to be expected. I mean, Kanin’s a really old vampire so he’s kind of more standoffish or, I don’t know, colder. I don’t know how to describe him. Nevertheless, I liked Kanin a lot. Zeke, on the other hand, is like the opposite of Kanin. All warm and open and very kindhearted.

Kagawa’s portrayal of vampires is very dark and really concerned with the humanity of them, well, more accurately, their lack of humanity. Kagawa’s vampires are really concerned with the struggle they go through to balance their inner vampire with their morals from when they were human. Kagawa shows all of this through the protagonist, Allison. And she did a fantastic job.

The bottom line is The Immortal Rules is an awesome book! If you love vampires, strong protagonists, great characters, a good plot and story then this book is for you. Go ahead and read it! You won’t regret it (at least I hope you won’t ‘cause, you know, everyone’s different).

To state the obvious, I’m definitely going to read the sequel, The Eternity Cure. I can’t wait!

Your Turn: What did you think of The Immortal Rules? Did you like Allie? Who do you like better, Kanin or Zeke? Sound off in the comments!!

Favorite Quotes

“Sometime in your life, Allison Sekemoto, you will kill a human being. Accidentally or as a conscious, deliberate act. It is unavoidable. The question is not if it will happen, but when.”

“I eyed the vampire at my side. “You know they’re going to kill us for being here.”

He nodded. “I’m counting on it.”

“You know that they eat people, right?”

Kanin stopped, turning to me with intense black eyes.

“So do I,” he said evenly. “And now, so do you.”

I felt slightly sick. Oh, yeah
--Allison and Kanin

Kanin: “The night is waning, and we still have a good ways to cover before we reach our destination. Would you kindly get a move on? This is the third time I’ve had to wait for you.”
Allison: “You know, you could slow down a little.” I leaped down from a dead subway car and jogged back to him, ducking a pipe that dangled above the tracks. “In case you haven’t noticed, short people have short legs. I have to take three steps to one of yours, so stop griping.”
--Kanin and Allison

“My eyes stung, which was a complete shock. I didn’t think vampires could cry. Angrily, I swiped at my eyes, and my fingers came away smeared with red. I cried blood. Fabulous.”

Kanin: “Did Sarren come down here?”
Allison: “Sarren? You mean psycho vamp with the messed-up face? Yeah. Yeah, he did.” I jerked my thumb toward the steel door, just as another thud echoed down the hallway, followed by a desperate screech. “Friend of yours, Kanin? He seemed very interested in peeling my skin off.”
--Kanin and Allison

Jackal: “I thought you might appreciate this,” he said, smiling evilly as he stalked forward. “Kanin was the one who taught me, you know. To master my fear, to use it to my advantage.” He twirled the stake between his fingers, grinning. “What’s the matter, sister? Didn’t he teach you the same? Or was your education cut short by our kin who want his head on a platter? How much practice did you get with dear old Kanin, anyway? I’m guessing less than me. I’ve known our sire a long time.”
Allison: “Did he teach you how to bore your opponents to sleep? Because I think I missed that lesson.”
--Jackal and Allison

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Monday, June 24, 2013

Song of the Week: Everything Has Changed

Featuring a new song every week, Song of the Week, is a fun and interactive way to share the music we love, hosted here.

June 24, 2013
Song of the Week: Everything Has Changed
Artist: Taylor Swift featuring Ed Sheeran
Album: Red 
I picked "Everything Has Changed" because I came across the music video last week and I thought it was pretty cute. And, of course, I also like the song a lot. It's very sweet and it's catchy. What do you think of this week's song? Let me know! :)

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Friday, June 21, 2013

Cinder by Marissa Meyer: Book Review

Author: Marissa Meyer
My rating: 2 of 5 stars
Series: The Lunar Chronicles #1
Genre: Young Adult, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Romance
Publisher: Feiwel & Friends; January 3, 2012
Pages: 387
Read Count: 1

Synopsis provided by Goodreads:

Humans and androids crowd the raucous streets of New Beijing. A deadly plague ravages the population. From space, a ruthless lunar people watch, waiting to make their move. No one knows that Earth’s fate hinges on one girl. . . .

Cinder, a gifted mechanic, is a cyborg. She’s a second-class citizen with a mysterious past, reviled by her stepmother and blamed for her stepsister’s illness. But when her life becomes intertwined with the handsome Prince Kai’s, she suddenly finds herself at the center of an intergalactic struggle, and a forbidden attraction. Caught between duty and freedom, loyalty and betrayal, she must uncover secrets about her past in order to protect her world’s future.

June 21, 2013
**This is a spoiler free review**
I picked up Cinder knowing nothing about it except that it’s very popular. I wanted to see what all the hype was about. So, when I read the synopsis I was surprised. I mean, Cinderella and cyborgs? Not really my cup of tea. But, I tried it anyway, with an open mind, at that. After reading, I thought it was okay. Just okay. Not horrible or really boring but also not really great or awesome. I thought that Meyer did a good job with the premise but I wasn’t really feeling it. I don’t really have any likes so here are my dislikes:


I didn’t find Cinder or the other characters likable in the beginning. I also thought the story dragged on for the first half of the book. One of the biggest things that got me was the predictably of the story. I mean, I know that it’s based on Cinderella so there would be some predicable parts but I was annoyed with the fact that I knew what was going to happen and who Cinder was in the first 50 pages of the book. The last thing I didn’t like that much was the cyborg thing. This is all of me though. Like I said before, I don’t really like robot or cyborg stuff so I didn’t identify with that.

Overall, for me Cinder didn’t deliver. For others who are in to robots and stuff, this book might be for you. For this reason, I don’t know if I’m going to read the sequel, Scarlet. We’ll see.

Your Turn: What did you think of Cinder? Did you like the Cinderella concept? Do you like cyborgs?

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Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Clockwork Princess by Cassandra Clare: Book Review

Clockwork Princess
Author: Cassandra Clare
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Series: The Infernal Devices #3; last book in the trilogy
Genre: Young Adult, Fantasy, Paranormal, Supernatural, Romance
Publisher: Margaret K. McElderry Books; March 19, 2013
Pages: 570
Read Count: 1

Synopsis provided by Goodreads: 

Danger and betrayal, secrets and enchantment in the breathtaking conclusion to the Infernal Devices trilogy.

Tessa Gray should be happy - aren't all brides happy?
Yet as she prepares for her wedding, a net of shadows begins to tighten around the Shadowhunters of the London Institute.
A new demon appears, one linked by blood and secrecy to Mortmain, the man who plans to use his army of pitiless automatons, the Infernal Devices, to destroy the Shadowhunters. Mortmain needs only one last item to complete his plan. He needs Tessa. And Jem and Will, the boys who lay equal claim to Tessa's heart, will do anything to save her.

June 17, 2013
**Spoiler Alert** 
“And maybe you should stop pitying yourself,” he said. “Most people are lucky to have even one great love in their life. You have found two.”

Holy moly. What an emotional read. Just to warn you all, there will be spoilers in this review. I don’t know how to write a review for this book without dropping a few (a lot) of spoilers. In Clockwork Princess, so much happens. There’s a giant worm, evil Mortmain, the Infernal Devices, Cecily coming to the Institute, Sophie and Gideon, Charlotte’s position at the Institute in jeopardy, Charlotte becoming Consul, and a whole lot more. But, wait, you guys don’t care for that. You care for Jem, Will, and Tessa. Well, there was a ton of the trio and their angst in Clockwork Princess.

I predicted the part where Jem would be on the brink of death and become a Silent Brother. Heck, I predicted that while reading City of Lost Souls with the appearance of Brother Zachariah. But, what I didn’t predict was the ending. I thought Tessa would end up with Will and be happy and stuff and then live her immortal life. What I didn’t expect was that Jem would become un-Silent-Brothered-defied and be, well, Jem again and have a happily ever after with Tessa. That was really unexpected.

I have both feelings of satisfaction, happiness, sadness, frustration, and not being satisfied about the ending of Clockwork Princess. Suffice it to say, after reading I have very mixed feelings. I feel happy for Will and Tessa that they got to have a life together and be happy. But, I also feel sad for Tessa that she had to watch him die and their children and grandchildren, not to mention all her friends die while still living. Then, I felt happy for Jem that he could be with Tessa. And I felt happy and sad for Tessa in this instance because Jem is going to die just like Will and she will live again. Man, that has got to hurt.

I liked how Cassandra Clare wrote the whole plot with the Infernal Devices and how it was resolved with Tessa’s clockwork angel having an actual angel inside it and her Changing into said angel. I also liked all the other characters in Clockwork Princess. I already liked Sophie before from the first two books but I found Cecily a very good character as well. The book wouldn’t have been the same without Charlotte, Henry, Gideon, Gabriel, and of course Magnus too.

I found out that their was a family tree on the back of the cover so I tried to read it but as my book was a library copy I wasn't able to see it. So, I was struggling with a flashlight trying to read it. Then, I was like this is ridiculous. So, I went on the internet and found a picture of it. Here it is:

Jeez, my thoughts were everywhere on this review. For those of you that read it, I hope I didn’t scare you away. :) Speaking of you all, it’s Your Turn: What are your thoughts, feelings, and emotions on Clockwork Princess?

Gah, now I can’t wait for the City of Bones movie! And for City of Heavenly Fire!!

Favorite Quotes

“Unfortunately, you may have to delay your plans for sororicide a bit longer. Gabriel Lightwood is downstairs, and I have two words for you. Two of your favorite words, at least when you put them together.”

“‘Utter simpleton’?” inquired Will. “‘Worthless upstart’?”

Jem grinned. “‘Demon pox,’” he said.
--Jem and Will

“Woolsey quirked an eyebrow. “You are a funny thing,” he said. “I would say I could see what those boys see in you, but…” he shrugged. His yellow dressing gown had a long, bloody tear in it now. “Women are not something I have ever understood.”

“What about them do you find mysterious, sir?”

“The point of them, mainly.”

“Well, you must have had a mother,” said Tessa.

“Someone whelped me, yes,” said Woolsey without much enthusiasm. “I remember her little.”

“Perhaps, but you would not exist without a woman, would you? However little use you may find us, we are cleverer and more determined and more patient than men. Men may be stronger, but it is women who endure.”

“Is that what you are doing? Enduring? Surely an engaged woman should be happier.” His light eyes raked her. “A heart divided against itself cannot stand, as they say. You love them both, and it tears you apart.”

“House,” said Tessa.

He raised an eyebrow. “What was that?”

“A house divided against itself cannot stand. Not a heart. Perhaps you should not attempt quotations if you cannot get them correct.”
--Woolsey and Tessa

“Badly?” she said, attempting a teasing tone.

“With passion. There are those who fight because it is their duty and those who fight because they love it. You love it.”

“I don’t—,” Cecily began, but she was interrupted as the training room door flew open with a loud bang.

It was Will, filling the doorway with his lanky, broad-shouldered frame. His blue eyes were thunderous. “What are you doing here?” he demanded.

So much for the brief peace they had achieved the night before. “I am practicing,” Cecily said. “You told me I would get no better without practice.”

“Not you. Gabriel Lightworm over here.” Will jerked his chin toward the other boy. “Sorry. Lightwood.”
--Gabriel, Cecily, and Will

“Magnus stood looking down at Jem. There was sadness etched on his face, that face that was usually so merry or sardonic or uncaring, a sadness that surprised Will. “‘For whence had that former sorrow so easily penetrated to the quick, but that I had poured out my soul upon the dust, in loving one who must die?’”Magnus said.

Will looked up at him. “What was that?”

Confessions of Saint Augustine,” said Magnus. “You asked me how I, being immortal, survive so many deaths. There is no great secret. You endure what is unbearable, and you bear it. That is all.” He drew away from the bed. “I will give you a moment alone with him, to say good-bye as you need. You can find me in the library.”

Will nodded, speechless, as Magnus went to retrieve his gloves, then turned and left the room. Will’s mind was spinning.

He looked again at Jem, motionless in the bed. I must accept that this is the end, he thought, and even his thoughts felt hollow and distant. I must accept that Jem will never look at me, never speak to me again. You endure what is unbearable, and you bear it. That is all.

And yet it still did not seem real to him, as if it were a dream. He stood up and leaned over Jem’s still form. He touched his parabatai’s cheek lightly. It was cold.

“Atque in pepetuum, frater, ave atque vale,” he whispered. The words of the poem had never seemed so fitting: Forever and ever, my brother, hail and farewell.
--Magnus and Will

“Jem knows—“ Cecily began indignantly, but she was interrupted, to her surprise, by Gabriel.

“Of course he knows,” he said. “Will is only doing his duty as a parabatai. He is doing what Jem would be doing if he could. He has gone in Jem’s place. It is only what a parabatai should do.”

You are defending Will?” Gideon said. “After the way you’ve always treated him? After telling Jem on dozens of occasions that he had dismal taste in parabatai?

“Will may be a reprehensible person, but at least this demonstrates that he is not a reprehensible Shadowhunter,” said Gabriel, and then, catching Cecily’s look, he added, “He might not be that reprehensible a person, either. In entirety.”

“A very magnanimous statement, Gideon,” said Magnus.

“I’m Gabriel.”

Magnus waved a hand. “All Lightwoods look the same to me—”
--Cecily, Gideon, Gabriel, and Magnus

“He has gone after Tessa,” Sophie said.

“Good.” Jem’s long hands plucked at the blanket, contracted once into fists—and then relaxed. “I—am glad.”

“You miss him,” Sophie said.

Jem nodded slowly. “I can feel it—his distance, like a cord inside me pulled very, very tightly. I did not expect that. We have not been apart since we became parabatai.”

“Cecily said you sent him away.”

“Yes,” said Jem. “He was difficult to persuade. I think if he were not in love with Tessa himself, I would not have been able to make him go.”

Sophie’s mouth fell open. “You knew?”

“Not for long,” Jem said. “No, I would not be that cruel. If I had known, I would have never proposed. I would have stood back. I did not know. And yet, now, as everything is going away from me, all things appear in such a clear light that I think I would have come to know it, even if he had not told me. At the end of things, I would have known.” He smiled a little at Sophie’s stricken expression. “I am glad I did not have to wait until the end.”

“You’re not angry?”

“I am glad,” he said. “They will be able to take care of each other when I am gone, or at least I can hope for it. He says she does not love him, but—surely she will come to love him in time. Will is easy to love, and he has given her his whole heart. I can see it. I hope she will not break it.”

Sophie could not think of a word to say. She did not know what anyone could say in the face of love like this—so much forbearance, so much endurance, so much hope.”
--Sophie and Jem

“She touched it now, hoping for guidance but it was as still and mute as ever. As she took her hand away from her throat, though she heard Will’s voice in her head: Sometimes, when I have to do something I don’t want to do, I pretend I’m a character from a book. It’s easier to know what they would do.”

“Tessa’s legs gave out. She slumped to the floor, her dressing gown pooling around her like black water. “You—you want to use me to breed your children?”

Now he did grin. “I am not a man without honor,” he said. “I offer you marriage. I always planned that.” He gestured at the pitiful pile of ragged metal and flesh that had been Mrs. Black. “If I can have your willing participation, I would prefer it. And I can promise I shall deal thus with all your enemies.”

My enemies. She thought of Nate, his hand closing on hers as he died, bloody, in her lap. She thought of Jem again, the way he never railed against his fate but face it down bravely; she thought of Charlotte, who wept over Jessamine’s death, though, Jessie had betrayed her; and she thought of Will, who had laid down his heart for her and Jem to walk upon because he loved them more than he loved himself.

There was human goodness in the world, she thought—all caught up with desire and dreams, regret and bitterness, resentments and powers, but it was there, and Mortmain would never see it.”
--Tessa and Mortmain

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Monday, June 17, 2013

Song of the Week: Hall of Fame

Featuring a new song every week, Song of the Week, is a fun and interactive way to share the music we love, hosted here.

June 17, 2013
Song of the Week: Hall of Fame
Artist: The Script featuring
Album: #3 

This week's song is very inspirational. Whatever your striving for in life, this song relates to that. Do you relate to "Hall of Fame?" Do you enjoy the song?

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Sunday, June 16, 2013

Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters: Movie Review

Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters
My rating: 2 of 5 stars
Director: Tommy Wirkola
Genre: Fantasy, Science Fiction, Supernatural
Released: January 25, 2013
Duration: 1 hr 28 min
Cast: Jeremy Renner, Gemma Arterton, Famke Janssen, Peter Stormare
Rated: R
Watch Count: 1

Synopsis provide by Fandango:

Fifteen years after a horrific experience in a deceptively inviting ginger bread house, an orphan Hansel (Jeremy Renner) and Gretel (Gemma Arterton) have become famous for ridding the countryside of witches. Despite their stellar success record, the brother and sister face a unique challenge when an extremely powerful witch is identified as the culprit stealing children from a local village with the intent to sacrifice them in an ancient magical ceremony to be held on the night of the Blood Moon. As Hansel and Gretel race against the clock, making several unlikely allies on the way (among them include a troll and a witch hunter fanboy), they unexpectedly come across a link to their own pasts and the secret their parents took with them when they disappeared. The film was directed by Tommy Wirkola. Actresses Famke Janssen and Pihla Vitala co-star. 

June 16, 2013 
Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters revolves around the children's tale Hansel & Gretel but with blood, gore, and really ugly witches. I'm not exaggerating. The witches in this movie are really grotesque. They're on a whole new level of the word fugly. The disgusting nature of the witches aside, the whole movie is really just bleh. I was bored throughout. It was also very predictable. This being said, I was really glad that I watched it through Redbox. It would of been a waste of my time (and not to mention money) at the theaters. My Verdict: Don't bother, it's boring. If you must, watch it on Redbox or Netflix.

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Thursday, June 13, 2013

The Rising by Kelley Armstrong: Book Review

The Rising 
Author: Kelley Armstrong
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Series: Darkness Rising #3, last book of series
Genre: YA, Fantasy, Paranormal, Supernatural, Romance, Magic
Publisher: HarperCollins; April 2, 2013
Pages: 406
Read Count: 1

Synopsis provided by Goodreads:

Things are getting desperate for Maya and her friends. Hunted by the powerful St. Clouds and now a rival Cabal as well, they're quickly running out of places to hide. And with the whole world thinking they died in a helicopter crash, it's not like they can just go to the authorities for help.

All they have is the name and number of someone who might be able to give them a few answers. Answers to why they're so valuable, and why their supernatural powers are getting more and more out of control.

But Maya is unprepared for the truths that await her. And now, like it or not, she'll have to face down some demons from her past if she ever hopes to move on with her life. Because Maya can't keep running forever.

Old secrets are revealed and unexpected characters make a surprising return in this stunning conclusion to Kelley Armstrong's New York Times bestselling Darkness Rising trilogy.

June 13, 2013
 **Some Spoilers**
It’s done. The last book in the Darkness Rising trilogy is over. There will be no more adventures with Maya, Daniel, Rafe, Corey, Ash, Chloe, Derek, Simon, and Tori. That sucks. But, I think, I hope, that Kelley Armstrong will write more books about these characters. I’m saying this ‘cause she left some stuff open like their story is not done quite yet. Maya, Chloe, and the others still intend to fight back when their older so that’s when another series could come in to play. And it could coincide with Armstrong’s adult series. Again, I hope so badly.

Now on to the book. The Rising was well done, in my opinion. I liked the pace and the plot of the story. The ending was good, all loose ends tied up. But, like I said before I think Armstrong leaves more for a continuation with the characters. I would have liked more of their powers shown more in the action scenes and stuff though. I also wanted Maya to end up with Rafe but I guess Daniel will do. I thought it was a little abrupt with the ending in that aspect. I loved that Chloe, Derek, Simon, and Tori were in it but I wanted them in it more. Other than these things, I enjoyed The Rising and am sad for this one to be the last in the trilogy.

Favorite Quotes

“I gave him a look. “Do you really think that matters? We’re bought and paid for, whatever the currency. They say they want us happy, but they really just want compliant.” I looked at him. “I don’t do compliant.” --Maya

Maya: “But you weren’t paying attention to Antone’s message, were you?”
Ash: “Considering how long it was, I don’t think anyone was. The guy just goes on and on. I see where you get it from.”

"We’ll meet you here. Hopefully everyone will be in human form.” A wry smile. “Though I’ll warn you, he’s not a whole lot more pleasant that way. At least as a wolf, he can’t talk.” --Chloe

“We ran to the others—it was clear Derek wasn’t accepting a leisurely stroll. I took the lead so this huge guy wouldn’t come barreling down on them. That wasn’t the way anyone needed to wake up. It was still chaos. Derek barked orders. Chloe tried to calm him. When he didn’t listen, I snapped that he wasn’t helping matters. He snapped back. Ash jumped to my defense, snarling like an alley cat. Daniel intervened to mediate. Derek turned on him. Corey rushed to Daniel’s side, fists ready. Rafe braced to join in if a fight broke out.

It was fun.” --Maya

Corey: “Uh-huh. I suspected I was getting the cold shoulder earlier, but with everything going on, I wasn’t sure. Now I’m sure. You’re giving me the look.”
Maya: “What look?”
Corey: “The Maya’s-pissed-with-Corey look. Fifty percent disappointment, thirty percent disapproval, twenty percent exasperation. I’ve done something you’re not happy about.”

Maya: “Daniel and I raced over as Corey rose, rubbing his shoulder and wincing.”
Corey: “Okay,” he said. “How did I end up--?”
Maya: “He convulsed and retched, spewing the cupboards with half-digested pizza.”
Corey: “Really not a cool power”

Maya: “I crouched as Corey sat. “Did you see anything else?” He glowered at Derek.”
Corey: “I’m sure I would have if Teen Wolf hadn’t tried to dislocate my shoulder. The vision’s gone now, and once it’s gone, it doesn’t come back.”

“Yes, Daniel had a truck. No, it wasn’t his old, falling-apart one. It wasn’t brand new, but the Nasts diligently rewarded responsibility. Daniel could be trusted not to take off at midnight and go partying in the next town, so Daniel got his own truck. Corey had a bicycle.” --Maya

Your turn: What did you think of The Rising? Please comment, let me know!

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Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Deadly Little Lessons by Laurie Faria Stolarz: Book Review

Deadly Little Lessons
Author: Laurie Faria Stolarz
My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Series: Touch #5; Last book of series
Genre: YA, Mystery, Romance, Magic
Publisher: Hyperion Book CH
Published: December 18, 2012
Pages: 336 
Read Count: 1

Synopsis provided by Goodreads:

Camelia Hammond's trying junior year of high school is finally over...but her troubles aren't. After she discovers a painful truth about her family, she escapes to a summer arts program in Rhode Island. Determined to put family - and boyfriend - drama behind her, she throws herself into her artwork.

At the arts school, she gets caught up in the case of Sasha Beckerman, a local girl who is missing. Even though all signs suggest that the teen ran away, Camelia senses otherwise. Eager to help the girl, she launches her own investigation. She finds a blog by someone named Neal Moche, a psychometric who might have clues to Sasha's whereabouts. There is something familiar about Neal, and Camelia realizes how much she misses Ben, despite being committed to Adam.

But time is running out for Sasha, and Camelia will have to trust her powers if she's to save her. Will the lessons Camelia has learned in the past give her the strength to do so?

June 11, 2013
Lackluster. That’s the word I’m using to describe the fifth and final book in the conclusion to the Touch series. Deadly Little Lessons didn’t live up to my expectations. I thought it would be better, have more pop, you know. Laurie Faria Stolarz’s previous books in the Touch series were more exciting, in my opinion. I knew what was going to happen in this book, not like the previous ones. I felt like Stolarz  just wrapped it up in a nice bow because it was the last book. Don’t get me wrong, I like how it ended. I always like happy endings but I thought the whole plot and premise could have been done more creatively and exciting. I didn’t necessarily dislike Deadly Little Lessons but I didn’t think it was great either, hence my 3 star rating which means I liked it but thought it could be much better. 

Favorite Quotes
**Some spoilers in two of these quotes**

Camelia: “Plus,” I continue, trying to fill her in, “as if things couldn’t get more convoluted, my parents aren’t even sure if Alexia knows that she’s my mother.”
Kimmie: “Does she not remember lying spread-eagled on a delivery table and pushing a basketball-size baby out of a ping-pong-ball-size hole?”

“We should probably go,” Wes says, getting up from the stool. “My hemorrhoids are starting to act up. If I don’t get myself some anti-itch cream soon, there’ll be no helping me. Camelia, can I borrow your hairbrush? My fingernails are still dull from my last flare-up.” He drops a ten on the bar and then extends his hand to Brooke for a shake.
“Later,” she says, leaving him hanging. And who can really blame her?” --Wes and Camelia

“Better than okay,” he says. And I have you Ms. Chameleon, to thank. Honestly, if it hadn’t been for your borderline-psychotic obsession with Sasha Beckerman’s case, not to mention the fact that you’re the love child of a mental-hospital romance gone wrong, I’d have never experienced such bliss.”
“Well, you’re welcome.” I smirk. “I think.” --Wes and Camelia

So, what are your thoughts? Do you think that Deadly Little Lessons is lackluster or was it everything you hoped for? Let me know, I’d love to hear!

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Monday, June 10, 2013

New Feature: Song of the Week (Don't You Forget About Me)

Hey all,  

So I wanted to share a new feature with all of you. That's right, you guessed it, it's Song of the Week!! The gist is that I am going to be featuring a new song every week with a music video along with it. It will also be featured on my sidebar. I will post a new song every Monday. I hope you like it. Let me know what you think, I'd love to hear!

Featuring a new song every week, Song of the Week, is a fun and interactive way to share the music we love, hosted here.
June 10, 2013
Song of the Week: Don't You (Forget About Me) 
Artist: the Simple Minds
Album: The Breakfast Club: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack

I picked this one because I recently watched Easy A. Yeah, so it got me on a Breakfast Club '80s kick.

Anyway, "Don't You (Forget About Me)" is a great song. What's your take?

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Sunday, June 9, 2013

Mountain Echoes by C.E. Murphy: Book Review

Mountain Echoes 
Author: C.E. Murphy
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Series: The Walker Papers #8
Genre: Fiction, Fantasy, Paranormal, Supernatural, Romance, Magic, Adult
Publisher: Harlequin Luna
Published: February 26, 2013
Pages: 352
Read Count: 1 

Synopsis provided by Goodreads:

You can never go home again.

Joanne Walker has survived an encounter with the Master at great personal cost, but now her father is missing - stolen from the timeline. She must finally return to North Carolina to find him - and to meet Aidan, the son she left behind long ago. 

That would be enough for any shaman to face, but Joanne's beloved Appalachians are being torn apart by an evil reaching forward from the distant past. Anything that gets in its way becomes tainted - or worse. 
And Aidan has gotten in the way. 

Only by calling on every aspect of her shamanic powers can Joanne pull the past apart and weave a better future. It will take everything she has - and more. 
Unless she can turn back time...

June 9, 2013
**Some Spoilers**
This is one of the best fantasy series that I have read. It may be one of my favorites. What’s more the Walker Papers get better and better as each new book is released. So, be sure to not start with this book ‘cause you’ll totally be lost, instead begin with Urban Shaman.

The eighth book in the series, Mountain Echoes, follows Joanne’s battle against the Master in her hometown of Cherokee. The Master is basically Joanne’s arch nemesis. The Master has had it out for Joanne and her family since before she was born. And now he’s targeting her father and son, Aidan, who live in the Qualla.

All I can say is wow, this book kept me engaged throughout. One of my favorite parts was when Joanne flew Petite, her car. Let me tell you it was frickin’ awesome. “I shoulda named her Pegasus,” referring to Petite. Mountain Echoes is a definite must read if you’d read C.E. Murphy’s Walker Paper series!

Favorite Quotes

“Not zombies.” I actually said it aloud, surprising them at least as much as I surprised myself. “Definitely not zombies. Wights. I think I’ll call you wights. Is that all wight with you?" --Joanne

Joanne: “This way. The path less traveled by.”
Morrison: “No one can accuse you of taking anything else.”

“The gist was ‘How the hell does this woman—is it a woman with that weird short hair? Yes, it’s a woman with her ugly weird clothes and ugly short hair and ugly pale skin know the language of the People? Hell if I know! Ask her!’” --The Indians when Joanne and Morrison got stuck back in time

“I wanted to hop up and down with frustration. Magic was stupid. Cool and awesome and amazing, but also stupid.” --Joanne

“Is that your mental image of yourself, Morrison? A lone wolf, standing against a tide of evildoers? That’s very teenage epic fantasy of you.” --Joanne

“Guarded. Discreet. Reserved. Chary. Restra—”
Morrison held his hand up. “Chary, Walker? I know you have an English degree, but chary?”
“How often does a girl get an excuse to pull a word like that out?” --Joanne and Morrison

“I’d mostly read about the Cherokee, but the Iroquois had put together maybe the fiercest, largest armies against European settlers and, inevitably, against other Native tribes as they were all forced out of their original lands.” --Joanne

“Ayita Walkingstick had only lived a few minutes, but she was the bravest person I had ever met.” --Joanne

“Who are you? What do you know about this? Disease control is our job, not yours. Who are you?”
“My name,” I said, mostly under my breath, “is Siobhan Grainne MacNamarra Walkingstick, and I’m the answer to all your prayers.” --Joanne

“I thought of Wile E. Coyote and the Road Runner laying down road over empty sky, and I thought, well, hell, whispered, “Chitty Chitty Bang Bang,” and slammed Petite off the side of a mountain.
We flew.” --Joanne

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Alien: Movie Review

My rating: 2 of 5 stars
Director: Ridley Scott
Genre: Horror, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Suspense/Thriller
Released: May 25, 1979
Duration: 1 hr 56 min
Cast: Tom Skerritt, Sigourney Weaver, Veronica Cartwright, Yaphet Kotto, Harry Dean Stanton, John Hurt, Ian Holm
Rated: R
Watch Count: 1

Synopsis provided by Fandango:

"In space, no one can hear you scream." A close encounter of the third kind becomes a Jaws-style nightmare when an alien invades a spacecraft in Ridley Scott's sci-fi horror classic. On the way home from a mission for the Company, the Nostromo's crew is woken up from hibernation by the ship's Mother computer to answer a distress signal from a nearby planet. Capt. Dallas's (Tom Skerritt) rescue team discovers a bizarre pod field, but things get even stranger when a face-hugging creature bursts out of a pod and attaches itself to Kane (John Hurt). Over the objections of Ripley (Sigourney Weaver), science officer Ash (Ian Holm) lets Kane back on the ship. The acid-blooded incubus detaches itself from an apparently recovered Kane, but an alien erupts from Kane's stomach and escapes. The alien starts stalking the humans, pitting Dallas and his crew (and cat) against a malevolent killing machine that also has a protector in the nefarious Company

June 9, 2013 

I'll probably get a lot of flack from this review and rating of Alien. Why do I say this? Well, because this is like one of the most critically acclaimed and one of the greatest movies of all time and to be blunt I thought it was really boring. I understood how it's a groundbreaking movie for the time what with the special effects, premise, and such but I still thought it was slow. Don't get me wrong, I liked some parts but on the whole I was surprised I didn't fall asleep. Even though I wasn't that impressed with Alien, I'll think I'll get around to watching the sequels. Hey, they can only get better, right? Well, we'll see. 


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