Thursday, August 1, 2013

Book to Movie Mania: City of Bones Chapters 1 and 2

I have been eagerly awaiting this day for awhile. Why, you ask? Well, today is the first day of the Book to Movie Mania Read-A-Thon for City of Bones by Cassandra Clare. The reading for today is as outlined below:

Part One: Dark Descent
Chapter 1: Pandemonium
Chapter 2: Secrets and Lies 

Well, what are you waiting for? Read the first two chapters then let's discuss!

Discussions Questions:
Shadowhunters! Here are some questions you all can answer in the comments. Obviously, you don't have to answer all the questions, it's just up for discussion! Have fun and Happy Book to Movie Mania!

1. What was your first impression of Clary? Do you think she had any idea that her life was not exactly what it seemed to be before she met Jace and the Lightwoods?  

Beans' Thoughts:

My first impression of Clary was that she's an everyday, normal, average teenager. She has her best friend, Simon (who I love by the way), insecurities, and has normal enough hobbies (art). She doesn't strike me as anything impressive at first. This being said, I don't think she had any idea that her life was not exactly what it seemed to be before she met Jace and the Lightwoods. 

2. At Pandemonium, Clary hesitates for only a second before following Isabelle and the boy into the storage room. Was this brave or stupid? Would you have followed them into that closet?

Beans' Thoughts:

Brave or stupid? Following a girl and a boy she's never met and then two more boys she's never met with knives into a storage room? I'd say stupid. But, hey I can't say much because I'd be just like Clary going into that stupid closet with knife-wielding strangers. Because I'd be way too curious. I would just have to know what's going on. I know, stupid right? But, maybe a little brave too. I guess it depends on how you look at it.

And today's Character Spotlight is...Alec Lightwood.
 Full Name: Alexander "Alec" Gideon Lightwood 

Portrayed By: Kevin Zegers

Status: Shadowhunter  

Age: 18

Personality: Opposite of his sister in that he is self-concious and serious. Alec is described as straightforward by Magnus. Alec says that he is blunt. That's the only way he knows to be. Clary observes that Alec appears "uncomfortable in his own skin." This might be because of his fear of admitting to others that he is a homosexual. He convinces himself to believe he is in love with Jace as a way to escape his fear of being hurt by falling for Magnus. Alec is very protective of his family and assumes the most responsibility as the oldest of his siblings.

Family: Oldest child of the Lightwood family. Parents are Maryse and Robert Lightwood. He has three siblings, two biological, Isabelle and Max, and one adoptive, Jace.

Physical Appearance: Thin, wiry build. Black hair. Luminous blue eyes. Impressive height. Handsome. Bears a strong resemblance to Will Herondale from The Infernal Devices mentioned by Camille Belcourt.

Love Interests: Jace Wayland. Magnus Bane. 

Fun Fact: Jace is his parabatai, meaning that they are warriors who fight together and are closer than brothers. 

"Ordinary couples can hope—hope to grow old together, hope to live long lives and die at the same time, but we can't hope for that. I don’t even know what it is you want.”" --Alec to Magnus, City of Bones
I don't know why but I've always liked Alec. Do you like Alec? Is he one of your favorite characters? What do you think of him? Oh, and how about the actor? Do you think Kevin Zegers is perfect for the part? Or not? Comment!
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At August 1, 2013 at 3:30 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

1. I think that Clary is a “normal” enough teenager who does “normal” things and has “normal” hobbies (art). Like you said Beans. I don’t think she knew what her life was really like before she met Jace and the Lightwoods.

2. I think Clary following that boy and Isabelle into the storage closet was a mixture of bravery and stupidity. I personally think that I would have gone into the storage closet because I was told once or twice that I was a very curious person.

At August 1, 2013 at 3:31 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Great first spotlight character Beans!!!!

At August 1, 2013 at 3:37 PM , Blogger Beans said...

Thanks for commenting, Butterdream! I have the same trait (problem?) of curiosity. It can get you in trouble.

At August 1, 2013 at 3:39 PM , Blogger Beans said...

I didn't know who to choose first. I like a lot of the characters in TMI. Simon, Isabelle, and Magnus for example. I could keep going.


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