Tuesday, July 30, 2013

The First Two Chapters of The Bride Wore Size 12 by Meg Cabot is Out!

Meg Cabot just released the first two chapters in the fifth book of her Heather Wells Mysteries series, The Bride Wore Size 12 out September 24, 2013. Here is the Goodreads synopsis:

Heather Wells is used to having her cake and eating it too, but this time her cake just might be cooked.Her wedding cake, that is.

With her upcoming nuptials to PI Cooper Cartwright only weeks away, Heather's already stressed. And when a pretty junior turns up dead, Heather's sure things can't get worse—until every student in the dorm where she works is a possible suspect, and Heather's long-lost mother shows up.

Heather has no time for a tearful mother and bride reunion. She has a wedding to pull off and a murder to solve. Instead of wedding bells, she might be hearing wedding bullets, but she's determined to bring the bad guys to justice if it's the last thing she does . . . and this time, it just might be.

And now here is chapter 1 and 2:

I can't wait 'till September! What are your thoughts?
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Monday, July 29, 2013

The First Chapter of The Fiery Heart by Richelle Mead Is Out!

I'm so excited to say that the first chapter of The Fiery Heart by Richelle Mead is available! What's more, is that it's in Adrian's POV! Yup, you read that right. Adrian Ivashkov's point of view! Without further ado, here is the first chapter of The Fiery Heart:


So, that's it! What do you think? Richelle also said that the second chapter will be in Sydney's POV and will be released in August. I can't wait!

*Note*: If you can't see the text just click on a slide and it will blow it up. Then, just keep clicking next.
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Song of the Week: We Can't Stop

Featuring a new song every week, Song of the Week, is a fun and interactive way to share the music we love, hosted here.
July 29, 2013
Song of the Week: We Can't Stop
Artist: Miley Cyrus
Album: We Can't Stop - Single
Oh, man I can't believe I've picked two former Disney Channel stars' songs as the Song of the Week two weeks in a row. First Selena Gomez's "Come & Get It" and now "We Can't Stop" by Miley Cyrus. Just wait, next week's song is probably gonna be Demi Lovato. Ha.  

Well, whatdaya guys think? Do you like Miley's new tune? What do you think of her music video? A little weird, right? :) One more thing, are you anticipating her new album that is yet to be released or just don't care at all? Lemme know.
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Saturday, July 27, 2013

Scene from Vampire Academy in Dimitri's Point of View

Guess what!?! Remember when Richelle Mead said that she'd write a scene from Dimitri's point of view in Vampire Academy if he won the YA Crush Tournament? Yes? Do you also remember that Dimitri did indeed win? Well, Richelle just tweeted that she has posted said scene! Yay!! So, without further ado here is the scene taken from Richelle Mead's website:

The Meeting

A scene from the first book of the Vampire Academy series, as told from Dimitri's point of view

I turned instantly at the sound of my name, shooting a glare at the guardian approaching in the darkness.  What was he thinking?  Everyone out here tonight knew how essential secrecy was.  It didn’t matter that he was young and simply excited about his first big mission.  We had no room for errors, not when this was the only break we’d had in over a year.  Realizing his mistake, he grew apologetic, though not nearly enough.

“Sorry.” He dropped his voice to a stage whisper and tapped his ear.  “Headset’s not working.  We checked the house, and they’re already gone.  They must have had warning, maybe a perimeter of spies on the streets.”  As his excitement returned, the young guardian—Laurence—began speaking rapidly.  “I was thinking about it.  They probably have a whole network of people working with them!  It makes sense, right?  How else have they managed to stay ahead of us for so long?  There’s no telling how deep this conspiracy goes!  We might be facing an army tonight!”

I said nothing and showed nothing as I mulled over his words.  It was something of a mystery how a couple of teenage girls had managed to escape detection for two years, especially when one of them was a privileged Moroi princess and the other a delinquent dhampir with a disciplinary file so long that it broke school records.  When I’d joined the teaching staff of St. Vladimir’s last year and learned of the princess’s case, I’d honestly been surprised the girls hadn’t slipped up sooner.  Being in league with others might explain how they’d remained hidden …and yet, in all our data gathering, we’d never once had even the slightest hint that they had one accomplice, let alone “a whole network” or “army.”

My silence made Laurence nervous, and he no longer smiled.  “It’s irrelevant now,” I told him.  “And there’s no point jumping to conclusions when—”

“Dimitri?”  A female voice crackled in my earpiece.  “We’ve got visuals on them.  They’re approaching the intersection of Brown and Boudreaux, from the north.”

Without another word to Laurence, I turned and headed toward the streets indicated.  I heard him running after me, but his stride was shorter, and he couldn’t quite keep up.  I tried to force calm as my heart rate increased, but it was difficult.  This was it.  This was it.  We might finally have her: Vasilisa Dragomir, the missing princess, last of her line.  Although I knew all guardian work was honorable—including the instruction of future guardians—part of me had longed for something more at St. Vladimir’s.  When I’d learned about the Dragomir princess and how she’d escaped the school, I’d made finding her a personal project, pushing leads that others had said were hopeless.

Me?  I didn’t believe in hopeless.

I slowed my pace as the intersection neared, allowing Laurence to catch up.  A quick scan revealed the dark shapes of other guardians lurking in shadows and behind objects.  This was the spot they’d chosen for the interception.  Quickly, I stepped off the road and hid in the cover of a tree, urging Laurence to do the same with a jerk of my head.  We didn’t have to wait long.  As I peered around the tree’s edge, I saw two female figures approaching, one practically dragging the other along.  At first, I assumed it must be the stronger dhampir helping the princess, but as they grew closer, their heights and builds revealed that it was exactly the opposite.

I had no time to ponder this oddity.  When they were about six feet from me, I quickly stepped out from the tree and blocked their path.  They came to a halt, and whatever weaknesses the dhampir girl had now vanished.  She grabbed the princess roughly by the arm and jerked her back, so that the dhampir’s own body served as a shield keeping me away.  Around us, other guardians fanned out, taking defensive positions but not advancing without my command.  The dhampir girl’s dark eyes made note of them, but she kept her attention focused squarely on me.

I didn’t entirely know what to expect from her, maybe that she’d try to run away or beg for her freedom.  Instead, she shifted into an even more defensive position in front of the princess and spoke in a voice that was barely more than a growl: “Leave her alone.  Don’t touch her.”

The girl was hopelessly outmatched yet still defiant, as though I were the one at a disadvantage.  In moments like these, I was glad my old instructors in Russia had grilled me into concealing my feelings—because I was surprised.  Very surprised.  And as I took this dhampir girl in, I suddenly understood with perfect clarity how they’d eluded us for so long.  A network of accomplices?  An army?  Laurence was a fool.  The princess didn’t need a network or army, not when she had this protector.

Rose Hathaway.

There was a passion and intensity that radiated off of her, almost like a palpable thing.  Tension filled every part of her body as she regarded me, daring me to make a move.  She possessed a fierceness I hadn’t expected—that no one had expected, I realized, most likely because they couldn’t see past that delinquent record of hers.  But there was a look in her eyes now that said this was no joke, that she would die a thousand times over before she let anyone harm the princess at her back.  She reminded me of a cornered wildcat, sleek and beautiful—but fully capable of clawing your face out if provoked.

And yes, even in the poor lighting, I could see that she was beautiful—in a deadly way—and that struck me too.  Her pictures hadn’t done her justice.  Long, dark hair framed a face filled with the sort of hard-edged beauty a man might easily dash his heart against.  Her eyes, though filled with hatred for me, still managed to be alluring—which only added to her danger.  She might be unarmed, but Rose Hathaway was in possession of many weapons.
I didn’t want to fight her and held out my hands in a placating gesture as I took a step forward.  “I’m not going to—”

She attacked.

I saw it coming and wasn’t surprised by the action itself so much as that she’d even try it with the odds stacked against her.  Should I have been surprised?  Probably not.  As I’d observed, it was clear that Rose was willing to do anything and fight anyone to protect her friend.  I admired that—I admired that a lot—but it didn’t stop me from striking out to block her.  The princess was still my goal tonight.  And although Rose might have passion and defiance, her attack was clumsy and easy to deflect.  She’d been gone too long from formal training.  She recovered badly and started to fall, and I remembered how she’d stumbled earlier.  Out of instinct, I reached out and caught her before she could hit the ground, keeping her steady on her feet.  That long, marvelous hair fell away from her face, revealing two bloody marks on the side of her neck.  Another surprise—but it explained her fatigue and pale complexion.  Apparently her devotion to the princess went beyond just defense.  Noticing my scrutiny, Rose knocked some of her tangled hair forward to cover her neck.

Despite the hopelessness of her situation, I could see her lithe body preparing for another attack.  I tensed in response, even though I didn’t want this brave, beautiful, and wild girl to be my enemy.  I wanted her as…what?  I wasn’t sure.  Something more than an outmatched scuffle on a Portland street.  There was too much potential here.  This girl could be unstoppable if her talents were properly cultivated.  I wanted to help her.

But I would fight her if I had to.

Suddenly, Princess Vasilisa caught hold of her friend’s hand.  “Rose.  Don’t.”

For a moment, nothing happened, and we all stood frozen. Then, slowly, the tension and hostility eased out of Rose’s body.  Well, not all of the hostility.  There was still a dangerous glint in her eyes that kept me on guard.  The rest of her body language said that although she hadn’t exactly admitted defeat , she had conceded to a truce—so long as I gave her no cause for alarm.

I didn’t plan to.  I also don’t plan on ever underestimating you again, wild girl, I thought, momentarily locking eyes with her.  And I’ll make sure no one else ever underestimates you either.

Satisfied that she was pacified—at least momentarily—I dragged my eyes from her dark gaze and focused on the princess.  After all, runaway or not, Vasilisa Dragomir was the last of a royal line, and certain protocols had to be followed.  I bowed before her.

“My name is Dimitri Belikov.  I’ve come to take you back to St. Vladimir’s Academy, Princess.”


In my opinion, it's really cool to see how Dimitri thinks especially when he first lays eyes on Rose. It's really intriguing. It's also kinda weird to read a scene from a different perspective when you've already read it in Rose's view. But, that's what makes it so cool especially because it's Dimitri. Anyway, I thought this scene was great and it makes me wanna read more VA from Dimitri's point of view and of course makes me wanna to see the movie NOW. But, alas we have to wait 'till February of next year.
So, what do you all think of the scene? Comment, please!

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Tuesday, July 23, 2013

The Eternity Cure by Julie Kagawa: Book Review

The Eternity Cure
Author: Julie Kagawa
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Series: Blood of Eden #2
Genre: Young Adult, Paranormal, Dystopia, Fantasy, Romance, Supernatural
Publisher: Harlequin Teen; April 30, 2013
Pages: 434
Read Count: 1

Synopsis provided by Goodreads: 

Allison Sekemoto has vowed to rescue her creator, Kanin, who is being held hostage and tortured by the psychotic vampire Sarren. The call of blood leads her back to the beginning—New Covington and the Fringe, and a vampire prince who wants her dead yet may become her wary ally.

Even as Allie faces shocking revelations and heartbreak like she’s never known, a new strain of the Red Lung virus that decimated humanity is rising to threaten human and vampire alike.

July 23, 2013
Spoilers galore. Beware.

Oh. My. Gosh. What an ending. All I can say is that The Eternity Cure was one of the best books I've read. Ever. Seriously, if you thought The Immortal Rules was good then be prepared to have your mind blown in its amazing sequel. It's really, really, really good. Don't take my word for it, just read The Eternity Cure and see for yourself.

As for that ending, I called it. Yes, I did. When Sarren took Zeke, I just knew that he would be killed then brought back to life as a vampire. I mean, he has to be a vampire. We all heard Sarren kill him through the computer. Once that part happened I had a feeling he'd be Turned to the bloodsucking side. And I don't think Kagawa would have killed off a really beloved main character so I thought that would happen. Anyway, my reaction to the ending can be pretty much be summed up as this:

I'll finish by saying that the Blood of Eden series is one of the best series I've ever read and definitely on my favorites shelf. I also think that this series could be made into great movies. Think about it, these books have all the elements a good movie can create. Like a ton of action, fighting, humor, some romance, survival of the fittest stuff, morals being tested, and of course one really kick ass heroine. Eeeee, I can't wait for The Forever Song!!!

Your Turn: What are your thoughts on this book? What did you like the best? The worst? Oh, and how about that ending!?!

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