Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Book to Movie Mania: City of Bones Chapter 10

Part Two is upon us now, Shadowhunters! We are reading:

Part Two: Easy Is the Descent
Chapter 10: City of Bones

Instead of the usual discussion questions today, I am going to post the 5 minute clip from the movie that premiered yesterday. Just click on the link to watch:  Enjoy!!!

Beans' Thoughts:

That was just AWESOME! Watching this clip made me even more excited! Jocelyn is so kickass and Jace is so funny and the Ravener Demon was really really gross and ugly. So cool! What did you guys think?

And today's Character Spotlight is...Jocelyn Fray.  
Full Name: Jocelyn Fray Fairchild Morgenstern

Portrayed By: Lena Headey

Status: Shadowhunter

Age: 37

Personality: Kind, caring. A little overprotective. Loves her daughter (Clary) very much.

Family: Parents are Granville Fairchild II and Adele Nightshade-Fairchild. Ex-husband is Valentine Morgenstern. Two children: Jonathan and Clary.

Physical Appearance: Elegant and beautiful. Long red hair. Green eyes.

Love Interests: Valentine Morgenstern. Luke Garroway/Lucian Graymark.

Fun Fact: While pregnant with Clary, Valentine put angel blood in Jocelyn's food without her knowing it.


I chose Jocelyn because of the 5 minute clip. What do you guys think of Lena Headey as Jocelyn? I'm not sure. She's not what I pictured but she's not bad for the part either.  
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