Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Song of the Week: Love Story

Featuring a new song every week, Song of the Week, is a fun and interactive way to share the music we love, hosted here.
August 26, 2013
Song of the Week: Love Story
Artist: Taylor Swift
Album: Fearless

I have always loved this song. It's so great and cute. Plus, the music video is awesome and not to mention one of Taylor's best ones. What do you think of "Love Story" and its music video?

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Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Song of the Week: Radioactive

Featuring a new song every week, Song of the Week, is a fun and interactive way to share the music we love, hosted here.
August 19, 2013
Song of the Week: Radioactive
Artist: Imagine Dragons
Album: Night Visions
I'm very sorry again that I posted yet another feature late. Again, I've been with family and I've started school, so very busy. I chose "Radioactive" this week because I like it. Simple. What are your thoughts?

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Book to Movie Mania: City of Bones Chapters 20-23

Today is the day Shadowhunters! This is what we've all been waiting for! The Mortal Instruments: City  of Bones is out!! And today is the last day of Book to Movie Mania! Without further ado, here is today's reading:

Chapter 20: In Rats' Alley
Part Three: The Descent Beckons
Chapter 21: The Werewolf's Tale
Chapter 22: Renwick's Ruin
Chapter 23: Valentine
Epilogue: The Ascent Beckons

I'm so excited!! When are you guys going to see the movie? I bet some of you already saw the midnight screening. I'm going to see it, I think, today or tomorrow. We'll see. It's hard because as I said in my last post I am visiting family. But, fear not, I'll for sure go see the movie opening weekend!

And today's Character Spotlight is...Jace Wayland.

Full Name: Jonathan "Jace" Christopher Herondale Wayland Lightwood 

Portrayed By: Jamie Cambell Bower

Status: Shadowhunter

Age: 17

Personality: Sarcastic, stubborn, kind-hearted, arrogant, strong.

Physical Appearance: Jace is known for and has a strong title for his good looks. He is described as having fine, curly, golden blond hair and eyes that look gold in the light with long eyelashes. He has a slim, muscular build and is about 5'11'' in height. His face is often described as beautiful and leonine, with a narrow mouth. Like all other Shadowhunters, he is covered in thin, silver scars from years of applying various magical runes with a stele for battle and healing purposes, as well as permanent runes that look like tattoos. (From The Shadowhunters' Wiki)

Love Interests: Clary Fray


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Book to Movie Mania: City of Bones Chapters 12-19

So, sorry guys I haven't been posting for the Read-A-Thon. Really very sorry. I've been really busy visiting family so I've barely had time for Book to Movie Mania and my blog for that matter. Time has flew by and before I knew it I realized that The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones is out TOMORROW!! Yeah, tomorrow!! I'm so happy. But, then I realized that we haven't finished the Read-A-Thon so I started freaking out. I had to tell myself, calm down Beans you can just finish it in two parts for today and opening day tomorrow. Yeah, it's not what I planned but life gets in the way. So now today's reading is:

Chapter 12: Dead Man's Party
Chapter 13: The Memory of Whiteness
Chapter 14: The Hotel Dumort
Chapter 15: High And Dry
Chapter 16: Falling Angels
Chapter 17: The Midnight Flower
Chapter 18: The Mortal Cup
Chapter 19: Abbadon

There will not be any discussion questions or Character Spotlight for today or tomorrow because the readings are so long. So, yeah. Happy reading!!
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Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Song of the Week: Just The Way You Are

Featuring a new song every week, Song of the Week, is a fun and interactive way to share the music we love, hosted here.
August 12, 2013
Song of the Week: Just The Way You Are
Artist: Bruno Mars
Album: Doo-Wops & Hooligans
My little sister picked "Just The Way You Are" this week. I didn't know what to choose and I thought, alright, I like this song anyways. What do you think of this week's tune?
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Thursday, August 8, 2013

Book to Movie Mania: City of Bones Chapter 11

Chapter 11: Magnus Bane

Discussions Questions: 
Shadowhunters! Here are some questions you all can answer in the comments. Obviously, you don't have to answer all the questions, it's just up for discussion! Have fun and Happy Book to Movie Mania!

1. What was your favorite part of chapter 11?

Beans' Thoughts:

Um, I guess it would be the story that Jace told Clary about the boy and the falcon. Obviously, the boy is Jace. I also like Simon's reaction to Clary coming out all dressed up. This is my favorite part:

"[Jace] took something out of his jacket and handed it to [Clary]. It was a long thin dagger in a leather sheath. The hilt of the dagger was set with a single red stone carved in the shape of a rose.

She shook her head. "I wouldn't even know how to use that--"

He pressed it into her hand, curling her fingers around it.

"You'd learn." He dropped his voice. "It's in your blood."

She drew her hand back slowly. "All right."

"I could give you a thigh sheath to put that in." Isabelle offered. "I've got tons."

"CERTAINLY NOT," said Simon.

Clary shot him an irritated look. "Thanks, but I'm not really a thigh sheath kind of girl." She slid the dagger into the outside pocket on her backpack."

Since today's chapter is aptly titled Magnus Bane, the Character Spotlight will be Magnus Bane. 
Full Name: Magnus Bane

Portrayed By: Godfrey Gao

Status: Warlock

Age: Approximately 800 years; appears as a 19 year old

Personality: Funny, kind, and caring

Physical Appearance: Asian descent. Long and lean, but not skinny with lightly muscled arms and an inch taller than Alec. Has brown skin and black hair that is usually spiked, colorful, and glittery. He wears all kinds of make-up, such as glitter around his eyes and lipstick. (He is also described as having more makeup than Isabelle Lightwood in City of Glass.) He likes to flaunt his sexuality by wearing rainbow leather pants and other flashy accessories (such as a blue sparkly headband). Isabelle once said he was a "sexy, sexy, warlock" whereas Simon Lewis countered that Magnus "looks like a gay Sonic the Hedgehog" and dressed, "like the child catcher from "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang." He is also described as having gold-green cat eyes (his warlock mark), and no belly button.

Love Interests: Alec Lightwood

Fun Fact: Magnus' mother was half Dutch and half Indonesian, explaining Magnus' Asian features. His step-father was later driven into an attempt to drown him, and Magnus burned him where he stood. He was then brought up by Churchmen.

“This time Magnus answered it, his voice booming through the tiny entryway. "WHO DARES DISTURB MY REST?"

Jace looked almost nervous. "Jace Wayland. Remember? I'm from the Clave."

"Oh, yes." Magnus seemed to have perked up. "Are you the one with the blue eyes?"

"He means Alec," Clary said helpfully.

"No. My eyes are usually described as golden," Jace told the intercom. "And luminous."

"Oh, you're that one." Magnus sounded disappointed. If Clary hadn't been so upset, she would have laughed. "I suppose you'd better come up.” 
--City of Bones
Ah, Magnus. He is just such a good character. Thank you Cassandra Clare for coming up with a magnificent character that makes me laugh so hard and care so much.

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Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Divergent by Veronica Roth: Book Review

Author: Veronica Roth
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Series: Divergent #1
Genre: Young Adult, Science Fiction, Dystopia, Fantasy, Romance
Publisher: Katherine Tegen Books; May 3, 2011
Pages: 496
Read Count: 1

Synopsis provided by Goodreads: 

In Beatrice Prior's dystopian Chicago, society is divided into five factions, each dedicated to the cultivation of a particular virtue—Candor (the honest), Abnegation (the selfless), Dauntless (the brave), Amity (the peaceful), and Erudite (the intelligent). On an appointed day of every year, all sixteen-year-olds must select the faction to which they will devote the rest of their lives. For Beatrice, the decision is between staying with her family and being who she really is—she can't have both. So she makes a choice that surprises everyone, including herself.

During the highly competitive initiation that follows, Beatrice renames herself Tris and struggles to determine who her friends really are—and where, exactly, a romance with a sometimes fascinating, sometimes infuriating boy fits into the life she's chosen. But Tris also has a secret, one she's kept hidden from everyone because she's been warned it can mean death. And as she discovers a growing conflict that threatens to unravel her seemingly perfect society, she also learns that her secret might help her save those she loves . . . or it might destroy her.

Debut author Veronica Roth bursts onto the literary scene with the first book in the Divergent series—dystopian thrillers filled with electrifying decisions, heartbreaking betrayals, stunning consequences, and unexpected romance.

  "I believe in ordinary acts of bravery, in the courage that drives one person to stand up for another."
August, 7 2013
Wow. Really good book.

I read a review a little while back that said that writing reviews for books you really love is hard as opposed to writing reviews for books you didn't like because it's easy to write about things you didn't like. This is kinda true because, let me tell you, I can go on long winded rants about all the bad things in a book. But, then I read a certain young adult dystopian book that goes by the name of Divergent, and I sit down to go and review said book and I have no idea what to say other than:

I LOVE this book!!
Divergent is awesome!
Tris is such a strong and kickass main character!!
I LOVE this book!!
Divergent is fast paced, fun, and intriguing!
I LOVE this book!!
Did I mention that I LOVE this book?!?

See what I mean? It seems I can't form a coherent and well written review for books like Divergent.

Yeah, Divergent was that good. So, go read it. I HIGHLY recommend it!

And I can't freakin wait for the movie coming in 2014!!! Yay!!

Favorite Quotes

  "I believe in ordinary acts of bravery, in the courage that drives one person to stand up for another."

"What was your first hallucination?" I say, glancing at him.

"It wasn't a 'what' so much as a 'who.'" He shrugs. "It's not important."

"And are you over that fear now?"

"Not yet." We reach the door to the dormitory, and he leans against the wall, sliding his hands into his pockets. "I may never be."

"So they don't go away?"

"Sometimes they do. And sometimes new fears replace them." His thumbs hook around his belt loops. "But becoming fearless isn't the point. That's impossible. It's learning how to control your fear, and how to be free from it, that's the point."
--Tris and Four

"I didn't jump off the roof because I wanted to be like the Dauntless. I jumped off because I already was like them, and I wanted to show myself to them. I wanted to acknowledge a part of myself that Abnegation demanded that I hide."

"I shake my head. Courageous? Courageous would have been admitting weakness and leaving Dauntless, no matter what shame accompanied it. Pride is what killed Al, and it is the flaw in every Dauntless heart. It is mine."

"We believe in bravery. We believe in taking action. We believe in freedom from fear and in acquiring the skills to force the bad out of your world so that the good can prosper and thrive. If you also believe in those things, we welcome you."
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Book to Movie Mania: City of Bones Chapter 10

Part Two is upon us now, Shadowhunters! We are reading:

Part Two: Easy Is the Descent
Chapter 10: City of Bones

Instead of the usual discussion questions today, I am going to post the 5 minute clip from the movie that premiered yesterday. Just click on the link to watch:  Enjoy!!!

Beans' Thoughts:

That was just AWESOME! Watching this clip made me even more excited! Jocelyn is so kickass and Jace is so funny and the Ravener Demon was really really gross and ugly. So cool! What did you guys think?

And today's Character Spotlight is...Jocelyn Fray.  
Full Name: Jocelyn Fray Fairchild Morgenstern

Portrayed By: Lena Headey

Status: Shadowhunter

Age: 37

Personality: Kind, caring. A little overprotective. Loves her daughter (Clary) very much.

Family: Parents are Granville Fairchild II and Adele Nightshade-Fairchild. Ex-husband is Valentine Morgenstern. Two children: Jonathan and Clary.

Physical Appearance: Elegant and beautiful. Long red hair. Green eyes.

Love Interests: Valentine Morgenstern. Luke Garroway/Lucian Graymark.

Fun Fact: While pregnant with Clary, Valentine put angel blood in Jocelyn's food without her knowing it.


I chose Jocelyn because of the 5 minute clip. What do you guys think of Lena Headey as Jocelyn? I'm not sure. She's not what I pictured but she's not bad for the part either.  
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Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Song of the Week: Heart Attack

Featuring a new song every week, Song of the Week, is a fun and interactive way to share the music we love, hosted here. 

August 5, 2013
Song of the Week: Heart Attack
Artist: Demi Lovato
Album: Demi 
First off, sorry guys I posted this a day late. I totally forgot. Now onto the actual post.

Remember when I said last week that Demi Lovato would be this week's song? Yeah, that happened. I meant it as a joke last week but then I thought, what the heck, why not? "Heart Attack" is a pretty good song if you're in the mood. Because, c'mon listening to "Heart Attack" can give people a heart attack. Seriously, Demi screeches this song. It can get irritating if you're not in the mood. As for the Disney thing, out of the three Disney Channel gals I chose, Demi has the best pipes so I thought it wouldn't be so bad to choose three of the Mickey's Mouse's in a row. What do you think of "Heart Attack"?  
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Danse Macabre by Laurell K. Hamilton: Book Review

Danse Macabre
Author: Laurell K. Hamilton
My rating: 2 of 5 stars
Series: Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter #14
Genre: Adult, Paranormal, Fantasy, Romance, Supernatural, Horror
Publisher: Jove; June 27, 2006
Pages: 517
Read Count: 1

Synopsis provided by Goodreads: 

These days, Anita Blake is less interested in vampire politics than in an ancient, ordinary dread she shares with women down the ages: she may be pregnant. And, if she is, whether the father is a vampire, a werewolf, or someone else entirely, he knows perfectly well that being a Federal Marshal known for raising the dead and being a vampire executioner, is no way to bring up a baby.

August 6, 2013
This will be a short review because Danse Macabre was a dull read and I really don't have much to say on it. Here are reasons why this book is sooo boring:

1. Nothing happens. Literally, there is no plot, no premise, you wouldn't even think it's an Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter book. Quite seriously, if you picked up Guilty Pleasures, the first book, read it and then read this boring mess you would be scratching your head, like huh? Is this even the same series?
What the heck?

2. All talk, no action. I mean how can an author write her whole book based on talking about nothing? It was just so boring. This is Anita and everybody else: oh, no I'm pregnant! What am I going to do?! Now we talk forever about the baby. Yadda yadda.  Wait, now I've getting more powers! Now, we have to talk forever about said powers. Yadda yadda yadda. Oh, now someone's feelings got hurt. I'm Anita so I have to go console him and talk about meaningless things the whole time. It's goes on and on. It's like that teacher in Charlie Brown where she talks but you can't understand a word she's saying.

Now you see why it was like watching paint dry. I gave Danse Macabre two stars because it was just okay. Not horrible (although reading over this review, it sounds like its horrible) but nowhere near good either. Nevertheless, I'm going to give the next book, The Harlequin, a try and hope for the best. Besides, I've heard that later in the series Hamilton gets back on track so to speak to the Anita from the first nine books. Oh, and did I forget to tell you that it took me almost a YEAR to read this book. Yeah. That's how boring it was. Now that I read over my review, it seems that I had more to say about this book than I thought. Huh.

Your Turn: What did you think of Danse Macabre? Boring as heck or did you find it entertaining?

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Sunday, August 4, 2013

Endlessly by Kiersten White: Book Review

Author: Kiersten White
My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Series: Paranormalcy #3
Genre: Young Adult, Fantasy, Paranormal, Romance, Supernatural
Publisher: HarperTeen; July 24, 2012
Pages: 385
Read Count: 1

Synopsis provided by Goodreads: 

Evie's paranormal past keeps coming back to haunt her. A new director at the International Paranormal Containment Agency wants to drag her back to headquarters. The Dark Faerie Queen is torturing humans in her poisonous realm. And supernatural creatures keep insisting that Evie is the only one who can save them from a mysterious, perilous fate.

The clock is ticking on the entire paranormal world. And its fate rests solely in Evie's hands.

So much for normal.

August, 4 2013
I wasn't really too psyched to read Endlessly. It's funny because I enjoyed the first book, Paranormalcy, immensely. I even gave it a four star rating. But, then came Supernaturally and it all went downhill from there. Granted, the second book in the Paranormalcy trilogy wasn't that bad but it just didn't live up to the first one  in a big way. So, you can imagine my lack of enthusiasm to read the last book. I actually wasn't planning to read Endlessly but I have a horrible habit of finishing series whether I like them or not. It's so annoying. I literally say to myself, you are NOT going to read this book. Then, after a couple days the stupid book will be in the back of my mind always nagging me saying, you should really give it a try. Who knows? Maybe it'll actually be good and surprise you and that way you know what happens at the end. Yeah, that soooo didn't happen with Endlessly.

What happened with Endlessly, you ask? Well, it's simple. Evie's voice is grating. The way she talks and, heck, the way Kiersten White writes seems so immature and whiny. Yeah, in Paranormalcy it actually worked. Evie's likeness of the color pink, Tasey, and the jokes felt new and fresh and cute. In Endlessly, they just feel stupid, childish, and really really annoying.

Now, this is the part where you say stop right there, Beans, why are you bagging on Endlessly so badly when you gave it a 3 star rating? And this is the part where I say that's because it did get a little better in the middle. I didn't find it so horribly annoying at times where I actually enjoyed parts of the book. And the ending was kinda nice if you ignored how easily everything wrapped up.

The bottom line is that at times Endlessly excelled but then for most of the time Endlessly just fell flat.

Your Turn: What did you think of Endlessly?

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Book to Movie Mania: City of Bones Chapters 8 and 9

Woo-hoo, Shadowhunters! We are almost done with Part One: Dark Descent! Two more chapters and we'll be in Part Two! Here is the reading today:

Chapter 8: Weapon of Choice
Chapter 9: The Circle and the Brotherhood

I'm so excited for today's reading! We get to learn about Valentine and his band of merry thieves. I'm just kidding, Valentine's hardly Robin Hood. I meant the Circle and everything. I love learning about the past of the Shadowhunters. It's so cool!

Discussions Questions: 
Shadowhunters! Here are some questions you all can answer in the comments. Obviously, you don't have to answer all the questions, it's just up for discussion! Have fun and Happy Book to Movie Mania!

1. In chapter 9, it is revealed that Valentine formed a group called the Circle of Raziel twenty years ago. The loyalty oath for the Circle is "I hereby render unconditional obedience to the Circle and its prinicples...I will be ready to risk my life at any time for the Circle, in order to preserve the purity of the bloodlines of Idris, and for the mortal world with whose safety we are charged." The Circle's main purpose was to wipe out all the Downworlders because Valentine thought they we not "pure." Hodge reveals to Clary that he was part of the Circle along with Clary's mom. What are your thoughts on this piece of information and what is Clary's reaction?

Beans' Thoughts:

First off, the whole Circle thing is so very racist. Yeah, so Downworlders don't have angel blood like the Nephilim but c'mon they're still people and are just like Shadowhunters with feelings, souls, and the like. As for the thing with Jocelyn once being a part of the Circle, Clary's reaction to it was denial. She couldn't believe her mother would be part of a "hate group." Those are Clary's words.

And today's Character Spotlight is...Valentine Morgenstern.

Full Name: Valentine Morgenstern

Portrayed By: Jonathan Rhys Meyers

Status: Shadowhunter   

Age: 38

Personality: Valentine embodies the classic evil overlord traits: charisma, a genius level intellect and a narcissistic sense of entitlement. He is sadistic and power hungry and driven by a furious rage and hatred brought about by his father's death. Despite this deep-seated anger, he usually maintains great emotional restraint in the face of dramatic situations, maintaining a demeanor of cool calculation and icy composure.
He is also extraordinarily manipulative, able to bend others to his will with relative ease. He views no one as his equal and sees others as either tools to be used or obstacles to be demolished. With all these traits it may be accurate to describe him as a sociopath. Despite his vindictive nature, Valentine presents himself in a cultured and sophisticated manner, dressing in expensive suits and speaking in a polite, civilized, almost old-fashioned manner. Jace remarks that Valentine is particular about "what type of cut crystal his decanters are made out of." He also exhibits a very dry, dark, cruel wit. (From the Shadowhunter's Wiki and obviously, the novel, City of Bones)

Family: Former husband of Jocelyn Fairchild. Two children: Clary Fray and Jonathan Morgenstern.

Physical Appearance: Tall and very handsome. Broad shouldered and has light blond, almost silver hair (although in the movie he has brown hair, I know what the heck?). Black eyes.

Love Interests: Jocelyn Fairchild. Himself (ha).

Fun Fact: Valentine does not consider himself evil, instead justifying his actions as for the good of humanity and the world despite the numerous atrocities and acts of genocide he has committed. He views himself as a heroic figure, willing to challenge the gods.  (Oh, c'mon that's just an excuse.)

"Clarissa,' [Valentine] said, in a voice as oily as steel slicked with butter, 'this man is an enemy of our family, an enemy of the Clave. We are hunters, and the means sometimes we are killers. Surely you understand that.'"
--Valentine to Clary, City of Bones

I chose our nefarious villian and main antagonist of the first three books of The Mortal Instruments series because we start to learn more about his past in chapter 9 today. Valentine is such a jerk. Worse than a jerk, you know what I mean. He does awful stuff, even to his own children. The actor that plays Valentine is soo not what I pictured Valentine to look like. He's supposed to have light hair, not dark hair and I think he should look a bit older. Ehh, the whole thing's off but it'll do. I guess.

What are your thoughts on Jonathan Rhys Meyers as Valentine? Comments are open!

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Saturday, August 3, 2013

Book to Movie Mania: City of Bones Chapters 6 and 7

Gear up, Shadowhunters! The City of Bones Read-A-Thon continues today with chapters 6 and 7.

Chapter 6: Forsaken
Chapter 7: The Five-Dimensional Door

Discussion Questions: 
Shadowhunters! Here are some questions you all can answer in the comments. Obviously, you don't have to answer all the questions, it's just up for discussion! Have fun and Happy Book to Movie Mania!

1. What do you think of Alec's attitude toward Clary? Why do you think he's so hostile to her?

Beans' Thoughts:

I think that Alec's attitude toward Clary is peculiar and a little annoying. I mean, he just met Clary and right away he gives her dirty looks and just treats her like dirt. It could be from the fact that maybe he holds some hostility toward mundanes or he's jealous that a mundie like her killed a Ravener Demon but still. Like, WTF? I'm answering all of this in a first reader's perspective. Obviously, since I already read the book, we all know Alec's hostily toward Clary stems from jealously because he's in love with Jace and Jace shows an interest to Clary. There's also the fact that Clary killed a demon when he, a trained Shadowhunter, has never slain a demon of his own. 

2. It's revealed in chapter 7 that Clary's mother was indeed a Shadowhunter and part of the Clave. What do you think of Clary's reaction?

Beans' Thoughts:

I think Clary's reaction is perfectly understandable. If I found out my mom was keeping a secret like that my whole life I would be a little astounded and kinda pissed. Maybe I wouldn't throw myself through a magical Portal that could possibly kill me or strand me on a desert island but, hey, when you get upset people do crazy things. Then again, I'd definitely do that if there was the slightest chance I could find my mother.

And today's Character Spotlight is...Simon Lewis.
Full Name: Simon Lewis

Portrayed By: Robert Sheehan

Status: Mundane

Age: 16

Personality: Geek. Nerd. Bass player of garage band. Vegetarian since 10 years old. He also often quoted different "nerdy" things, like Dungeons and Dragons. Smart. Funny. Wears nerdy and funny shirts.

Family: His father died when Simon was young due to a heart attack. Mother is more prominent in later books, specifically City of Fallen Angels. Has an older sister, Rebecca.

Physical Appearance: Dark brown hair. Creamed coffee colored/rich brown eyes. Wears glasses. Described as "cute."

Love Interests: Clary Fray. Isabelle Lightwood.

Fun Fact: Simon met Clary at the age of six and became best friends. Since then he has harbored feelings for her for ten years. He plans to tell her but can't find the right time.

"That's why when major badasses greet each other in movies, they don't say anything, they just nod. The nod means, 'I' am a badass, and I recognize that you, too, are a badass,' but they don't say anything because they're Wolverine and Magneto and it would mess up their vibe to explain."
--Simon, City of Bones
Simon! Simon is one of my favorite characters, if not my top favorite character. If that makes sense. I'm so excited to see Simon in the movie. He is just so funny. Whenever I read City of Bones, when Simon is in it I usually laugh out loud and I don't usually do that when I read. And Robert Sheehan. I didn't picture Simon exactly as him but he's not bad. Hopefully, he'll play a good Simon. I'm crossing my fingers.

What do you think of Simon? Is he not laugh out loud funny, or what? How about Robert Sheehan? What do you think of him?  
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Friday, August 2, 2013

Book to Movie Mania: City of Bones Chapters 3-5

Ready for Day 2 of the Read-A-Thon for City of Bones? Today's reading is:

Chapter 3: Shadowhunter
Chapter 4: Ravener
Chapter 5: Clave and Covenant

Discussion Questions:
Shadowhunters! Here are some questions you all can answer in the comments. Obviously, you don't have to answer all the questions, it's just up for discussion! Have fun and Happy Book to Movie Mania!

1. Early on, when Clary asks Luke what he would do if he saw something no else could see, Luke tells her that she see the world differently because she's an artist. Do you think he's right? Or is it just another lie designed to keep the world of the Shadowhunters secret from Clary?

Beans' Thoughts:

I don't know. This is a hard one to answer. Actually, scratch that. This is an easy one to answer since I already read the entire book. Luke just tells Clary that because he's trying to cover up the Shadow World from Clary. I know this because Luke knows about Shadowhunters and the like because, hello, he was a Shadowhunter now turned werewolf. So, yeah. But, if you want to get all philosophical then maybe Luke told Clary that because he truly thinks that Clary is special and sees the world differently because she's an artist. But, you can't deny the fact that he told her this to keep her in the dark for her own good. (I don't remember exactly why he does this. Oh, wait I think it's because Jocelyn was supposed to tell Clary and it wasn't Luke's place.) Yeah, that's it. Now that I re-read this, it's really all over the place and prone to babbling. Sorry about that.

2. After Jocelyn goes missing, and Clary is attacked by the Ravener Demon, Clary begins to learn the truth about herself and the world of the Shadowhunters in bits and pieces. How does this make her feel? Does she believe it all easily? If you were in Clary's shoes, would you be able to easily accept and understand this information?

Beans' Thoughts:

Her mother's absence, the Ravener's attack, and the Shadow World coming to light makes Clary feel confused and a little bewildered. I mean, I would feel those things but then I'd probably just be like, I knew it! I knew there was a world that didn't just exist inside my head! and Yay! This is just so cool! and When can I learn how to fight like a badass? Hee hee. and  me saying, Hey Isabelle, look at the thing there! while I stealthily grab her whip. Anyways, when I was reading today it did seem like Clary believed all of this pretty easily. Of course, seeing a nasty monster that looks like a cross between a really big centipede and alligator and then getting attacked by said demon can really sway someone's mind to believing. I'm just saying. 

And today's Character Spotlight is...Clary Fray.
Full Name: Clarissa "Clary" Adele Fray/Fairchild/Morgenstern

Portrayed By: Lily Collins

Status: Shadowhunter

Age: 16

Personality: Incredibly stubborn and a little sarcastic. She's a caring person, with lots of compassion for her family and friends. Her extreme stubbornness might have taken root because of the fact that her mother was extremely protective of her as a child. She goes to extreme lengths to accomplish what she wants, usually putting herself in danger, leaving those people who care for her, especially Jace and Jocelyn, extremely exasperated. Jace has even stated that her stubbornness matches his, which he figures was the reason they could not stand each other when they had first met. She is also an artist like her mother, Jocelyn. She keeps a notepad of paper where she often draws out her emotions and feelings through pictures; which she says is her version of a diary, just using pictures instead of words.

Family: Daughter of Jocelyn Fairchild and Valentine Morgenstern, step daughter of Luke Garroway/Graymark. Sister to Jonathan Christopher Morgenstern/Sebastian Verlac.

Physical Appearance: Five feet tall. Curly red hair. Green eyes. Freckles. Petite. Thin. Said to look like her mother who is described as beautiful and small. Maryse Lightwood notes that Clary looks like Valentine when she first meets her.

Love Interests: Jace Wayland. Simon Lewis.

Fun Fact: Clary loves to paint and uses painting as a sort of diary. She also has the rare ability to create runes.

"I've only ever loved three people in my life," [Clary] said. "My mom and Luke, and you."
--Clary to Simon, City of Bones
So, Clary. Our main protagonist/character. You know, I like Clary, I actually do. I like her fight, her fiery nature (much like her red hair, too bad Lily Collins doesn't have a more reddish hue), and she is independent. But, she does get on my nerves sometimes. Like when Luke abandons her and she cry's poor me. That's just an example. But, yeah Clary's pretty cool. She's gets brownie points for saying that quote up above to Simon and not to Jace because, hello, they've known each other for ten years and Simon sure as hell deserves it. As for Lily Collins, I can see Clary as her but, as always, book characters in my head are still different than the actors. Well, except for Harry Potter. But, that's an anomaly.

What are your thoughts on Clary? How about Lily Collins portraying Clary? 
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Thursday, August 1, 2013

Book to Movie Mania: City of Bones Chapters 1 and 2

I have been eagerly awaiting this day for awhile. Why, you ask? Well, today is the first day of the Book to Movie Mania Read-A-Thon for City of Bones by Cassandra Clare. The reading for today is as outlined below:

Part One: Dark Descent
Chapter 1: Pandemonium
Chapter 2: Secrets and Lies 

Well, what are you waiting for? Read the first two chapters then let's discuss!

Discussions Questions:
Shadowhunters! Here are some questions you all can answer in the comments. Obviously, you don't have to answer all the questions, it's just up for discussion! Have fun and Happy Book to Movie Mania!

1. What was your first impression of Clary? Do you think she had any idea that her life was not exactly what it seemed to be before she met Jace and the Lightwoods?  

Beans' Thoughts:

My first impression of Clary was that she's an everyday, normal, average teenager. She has her best friend, Simon (who I love by the way), insecurities, and has normal enough hobbies (art). She doesn't strike me as anything impressive at first. This being said, I don't think she had any idea that her life was not exactly what it seemed to be before she met Jace and the Lightwoods. 

2. At Pandemonium, Clary hesitates for only a second before following Isabelle and the boy into the storage room. Was this brave or stupid? Would you have followed them into that closet?

Beans' Thoughts:

Brave or stupid? Following a girl and a boy she's never met and then two more boys she's never met with knives into a storage room? I'd say stupid. But, hey I can't say much because I'd be just like Clary going into that stupid closet with knife-wielding strangers. Because I'd be way too curious. I would just have to know what's going on. I know, stupid right? But, maybe a little brave too. I guess it depends on how you look at it.

And today's Character Spotlight is...Alec Lightwood.
 Full Name: Alexander "Alec" Gideon Lightwood 

Portrayed By: Kevin Zegers

Status: Shadowhunter  

Age: 18

Personality: Opposite of his sister in that he is self-concious and serious. Alec is described as straightforward by Magnus. Alec says that he is blunt. That's the only way he knows to be. Clary observes that Alec appears "uncomfortable in his own skin." This might be because of his fear of admitting to others that he is a homosexual. He convinces himself to believe he is in love with Jace as a way to escape his fear of being hurt by falling for Magnus. Alec is very protective of his family and assumes the most responsibility as the oldest of his siblings.

Family: Oldest child of the Lightwood family. Parents are Maryse and Robert Lightwood. He has three siblings, two biological, Isabelle and Max, and one adoptive, Jace.

Physical Appearance: Thin, wiry build. Black hair. Luminous blue eyes. Impressive height. Handsome. Bears a strong resemblance to Will Herondale from The Infernal Devices mentioned by Camille Belcourt.

Love Interests: Jace Wayland. Magnus Bane. 

Fun Fact: Jace is his parabatai, meaning that they are warriors who fight together and are closer than brothers. 

"Ordinary couples can hope—hope to grow old together, hope to live long lives and die at the same time, but we can't hope for that. I don’t even know what it is you want.”" --Alec to Magnus, City of Bones
I don't know why but I've always liked Alec. Do you like Alec? Is he one of your favorite characters? What do you think of him? Oh, and how about the actor? Do you think Kevin Zegers is perfect for the part? Or not? Comment!
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